The Trick of Falling In Love by T A Jones

It’s like magic.

Amazed by it

Happening but left

Wondering on

How it happened.


More times than

Not, you just let it

Be. No need in taking

The fun out of the

Trick. It’s special.


At least, it is the

First time around.

Before you know it,

The trick is done so

Many times, you’re lost.


Time has passed and

First times are in the

Past. Amazed each

Time you saw it has

Ultimately turned crass.


Messy on the

Execution but still

Caught by surprise.

Wrapped up in a

Whirlwind of moments.


After all the times,

No matter the

Circumstance of

Events, I’m still a

Fool to it every time.


And over time,

I learned that it

Hasn’t been that

Bad to fall. Regardless,

I loved it all.

The first is

Just as special

As them all.

“I consider all of these poems trash because they were written in the moment and never touched again.

This was written a few months after being all depressed and stuff and finding that we find love again. That it’s a trick. I can’t explain it but it just has this angsty thing to it that I don’t love. Granted they all have a bit of angst to them.”

T.A. Jones (he/him) is a Black poet/writer based in Atlanta, Georgia. He graduated from Western Carolina University with a bachelors in English and minor in Creative Writing. He currently works as a preschool teacher and occasional music journalist/podcaster for CentralSauce. He’s finishing his first poetry compilation, Obsidian Sun. 


iMissWe by T A Jones


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