Untitled by Breonna Hall

Blue eyes;

My first greeting.

The touch of your hand

Reminding me,

I still exist!

For an instant-

I can see again;

Through your eyes.

Your teeth tell me,


I forgot I knew.

Life flows,

Beneath this unstable frame.

I feel more alive,

With my lungs closed,

Then I ever did-

Before you took,

My breath away.

“As with many of my prior writings this poem was written about a boy. I edited it a few times but never could settle on a final draft. I finally just emailed it to myself and forgot it existed. Although it isn’t a personal favorite, it still made me smile when I found it in my cluttered little writing file. The boy might be gone, but the words live on.”

Breonna Hall is an aspiring novelist and lifelong collector of words. Her heart will always live in the Pacific Northwest, but she currently calls Arizona home. You can connect with her on twitter @bhallwriter.


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