The Torment of Life by Sathya Wistara
The torment of life
is memory: the longevity
and loss
Tides, coming
and going, unchained;
somehow, You make them stay
like a broodmare
nuzzles the hand
that whips her bare
My fingers fail me
I cannot confine
an ocean to a pond
they escape:
little dreams, glistening
undecipherable streams
aimless in the wind
I follow the sun
to an empty shore
“I sometimes imagine myself reading my poems before a raised platform upon which stand my favourite dead authors. Sometimes they approve of my poems. At others, they either laugh or frown. I vaguely remember Nakahara Chūya leaving the room right after I finished reading this one.”
Sathya Wistara (she/her) wants to graduate with a bachelor’s degree in science by the end of 2022. They may be found standing precariously close to the edge of an Indonesian railway platform or @unhoIydaughter on Twitter.