Mist by Caitlin Sherret

Creeping in across damp fields. A curtain

bluntly lain between me

and the outside. A deer stands

at the edge of sanctuary, anonymity

gazing at the train as it passes.

I wonder if I’m the highlight of her morning

for she is the highlight of mine.

Cows in their chunky winter coats

eat their breakfast calmly

as this joy of creation settles around them.

When I was little, I dreamt of dwelling

in a magical land like this.

“This poem was written early one morning on the train into my day job. I scribbled it off, typed it up weeks later and thought it was too basic to do anything further with. I think it’s a bit twee, and to be honest being seen as twee is my greatest fear.”

Caitlin Sherret (she/her) is a poet and creative from Nairn, Scotland. Her work focuses on senses of self, living in the moment and finding home. She is currently one of the Scottish Poetry Library's Next Generation Makars.


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